The Felix Project will receive £125,000 from Mission 44 to launch a youth initiative to tackle food poverty in London.
The cost of living crisis is exacerbating food insecurity, with more young people going hungry. Across London, 1.5 million adults and 400,000 children are struggling to access regular food, impacting their health and education. The situation is only expected to get worse.
The new initiative, launched today by Mission 44 and The Felix Project, will support more communities and distribute more food. It will have a focus on mobilising a new generation of young people to take an active role in tackling food poverty, creating innovative and sustainable solutions that deliver for them and their wider communities.
Over an 18 month period The Felix Project will receive £125,000 from Mission 44 to:
Expand its youth volunteering services reaching more young people and distributing more food
Ensure youth voices are at the heart of the organisation’s innovation and decision making
Empower young people to generate social action reducing food poverty and waste
The hope is that this initiative will leave a lasting legacy for future generations, so young people have the chance to thrive and reach their full potential.
“We know it’s an incredibly difficult time for young people from underserved communities. The cost of living crisis is significantly impacting their lives and limiting future opportunities. I am delighted we have joined forces with The Felix Project to tackle these challenges head on and empower young people to fight against hunger and food waste.”
“The Felix Project is excited to work with Mission 44 to put young people at the heart of the Felix communities in London. A cost-of-living crisis means record numbers of young Londoners are at risk of being held back by food insecurity. Food from The Felix Project helps thousands of London families to not just survive, but thrive every day. We know that our work will be even more impactful working alongside young Londoners with Mission 44.”
Mission 44 was founded by Sir Lewis Hamilton to transform the lives of young people facing disadvantage and discrimination. As a charitable foundation with diversity at its core, we’re working to support young people to fulfil their potential. Through funding great causes, research and campaigning, Mission 44 is focused on supporting young people from diverse backgrounds to feel more included at school, progress into careers in STEM and the creative industries, and be empowered to build a better world.
Right now, millions of people in the UK regularly experience hunger. Yet tonnes of surplus fresh food is thrown away every day. The Felix Project collects fresh, nutritious food that cannot be sold and delivers this surplus food to charities and schools so they can provide healthy meals for people in need. Last year The Felix Project delivered 30 million meals across all 32 London boroughs. The Felix Project’s vision is a London where no-one goes hungry and good food is never wasted.